PDCA Nominating Letter & Updates
The "Nominating Letter" will be mailed out next week. This will be PDCA member's opportunity to nominate people that you would like serving in all the PDCA positions. You can vote for any and/or all the positions and nominate yourself if you'd like to volunteer. Qualifications for the various positions will be listed in the letter. Your nominations will be mailed to an independent accountant and then the nominees will be contacted by the Nominating Committee for a brief resume which will be published in the PDCA Record along with a ballot for your vote. The plan is for votes to be tabulated around December 20th and so we should have all the membership elected PDCA people in place by Christmas. So be thinking about whom you'd like to have serve.
Since we extended the membership deadline, and with the upcoming elections, this has pushed back the newsletter a little to most likely coming out sometime in November. If you have an article/photos that you would like to contribute to the PDCA Record send them to Patrice Lewis, 1305 Canyon Ridge Lane, Plummer, ID 83851.
Over 100 registrations were processed over the weekend. A few minor bugs showed up in the new program but the computer consultant has since corrected these.
Overall, everything is going smoothly considering the workload is heavier than what would be normal. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
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