Dexter Bull Description
Scale of Points for Dexter Bulls
1. Head: masculine in character, finely cut, not too short, horns well set on without coarseness at base, forehead broad, eyes prominent and lively, nostrils wide and expansive. -- 10
2. Neck: long, arched, muscular, heavy. -- 4
3. Withers: strong but not too wide. -- 4
4. Shoulders: flat and sloping, indicating style and liberty. -- 4
5. Chest: broad and deep. -- 6
6. Barrel: hooped, well ribbed up, and of good length. --10
7. Back: broad over the loins, the top line being straight from withers to tail. --10
8. Hips: wide apart, but not too prominent. -- 4
9. Rump: long, broad and level, with tail neatly set in. -- 10
10. Hind Quarters: wide, the legs when viewed from behind being straight and without nearness when walking. -- 10
11. Rudimentary Teats: well-developed, set horizontally, wide apart and away from the scrotum. -- 4
12. Skin: mellow, flexible to the touch, fairly thin, carrying a good coat of hair. White permitted on belly, scrotum and switch. -- 6
13. Flesh: level, with an entire absence of unevenness or cushions. --10
14. Carriage and action in walking: gay and vigorous. -- 4
15. General appearance: symmetrical. -- 4
From the book "Dexter Cattle" by John Hays available online from: PDCA Sale Barn.
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